AP Physics

Unit 7 - Simple Harmonic Motion




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A 0.2 kg object is attached to a horizontal spring undergoes SHM with the total energy of 0.4 J. The kinetic energy as a function of position presented by the graph.

  1. (a) What is the maximum displacement from equilibrium? 3 points

  2. (b) What is the maximum speed of the object? 3 points

  3. (c) What is the spring constant? 3 points

  4. (d) Indicate point or points where the kinetic energy equals the potential energy of the system. 3 points

  5. (e) What is the potential energy of the system at point x = 2 cm? 3 points

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a) 4 cm
b) 2 m/s
c) 500 N/m
d) Any point on the curve where the y-axis equals 0.2 J
e) 0.1 J