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Every AP Physics 1 FRQ Sorted by Topic

Picture of Jason Kuma
Jason Kuma

Writer | Coach | Builder | Fremont, CA

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Below is every single AP Physics 1 FRQ from 2015-2024 sorted by topic. AP Physics C students can also use these FRQs


FRQs are free response questions. You will need to complete 5 FRQ questions in 90 minutes on the AP Physics 1 exam. This post should help you better sort through FRQs to get the practice you need!

NOTE: Most questions have multiple topics in it so some FRQs may be in multiple topic lists.

Here are all the links to college board AP Physics 1 FRQs and solutions.

(A) Unit 1 Kinematics

  • 2023 Q2 – Experimental design, cart on ramp, linearization.
  • 2021 Q1 – Biker jump, motion graph.
  • 2015 Q4 – Linear kinematics, motion graphs.

(B) Unit 2 Dynamics, forces

  • 2023 Q2 – Experimental design, cart on ramp, linearization.
  • 2023 Q3 – Spring, circular motion, FBD.
  • 2021 Q2 – Experimental design, dynamics, rod width vs stretch.
  • 2019 Q2 – Atwood machine, FBD, Kinematics.
  • 2017 Q2 – Experimental design, friction coefficient.
  • 2016 Q3 – Bumpy incline, motion graphs.
  • 2015 Q1 – 3 block pulley system. Atwood machine

(C) Unit 3 Circular Motion and Gravitation

  • 2023 Q3 – Spinning block, FBDs, tangential speed.
  • 2022 Q2 – Two orbiting moons, gravitation, circular motion.
  • 2018 Q1 – Orbiting spacecraft, circular motion.

(D) Unit 4 Energy

  • 2023 Q1 – Horizontal spring, block on cart collision, harmonic motion, energy graphs.
  • 2023 Q5 – Spinning rod, energy, torque.
  • 2022 Q1 – Pulley, spring, energy bar chart.
  • 2022 Q3 – Experimental design, hanging block pulley, energy graphs.
  • 2022 Q5 – Vertical spring, motion graphs, energy.
  • 2021 Q1 – Biker jump, projectile, motion graph.
  • 2021 Q4 – Rolling cylinder, sliding block, energy.
  • 2019 Q1 – Spring, block, friction.
  • 2019 Q3 – Experimental design, spring launcher, projectile.
  • 2017 Q4 – Ramp energy, projectile motion.
  • 2016 Q2 – Energy, elastic collision.
  • 2015 Q3 – Springs, friction, energy graph.

(E) Unit 5 Momentum

  • 2023 Q4 – Wheel vs disk pulley, angular momentum.
  • 2022 Q4 – Clay vs ball collision, velocity of center of mass, projectile.
  • 2021 Q3 – Impulse, momentum, disk collision.
  • 2019 Q1 – Collisions, velocity of center of mass, motion graph.
  • 2017 Q3 – Ball and rod collision, angular momentum.
  • 2016 Q2 – Experimental design, bouncy ball.

(F) Unit 6 Rotation

  • 2024 Q4 – Mass on pulley, Newton’s law of rotation.
  • 2023 Q5 – Spinning rod, energy, torque.
  • 2023 Q4 – Wheel vs disk pulley, angular momentum.
  • 2022 Q3 – Experimental design, hanging block pulley, energy graphs.
  • 2021 Q5 – Pulley with mass, motion graph.
  • 2021 Q4 – Rolling cylinder, sliding block, energy.
  • 2019 Q1 – Linear vs rotational motion, friction.
  • 2018 Q3 – Rotating disk, frictional torque, motion graphs.
  • 2017 Q3 – Disk-bar collision, momentum.
  • 2016 Q1 – Rolling wheel, sliding block, rotational energy.

(G) Unit 7 Simple Harmonic Motion

  • 2023 Q1 – Horizontal spring, block on cart collision, harmonic motion, energy graphs.
  • 2022 Q5 – Vertical spring, motion graphs, energy.
  • 2018 Q5 – Two block collision on a spring.
Picture of Jason Kuma
Jason Kuma

Writer | Coach | Builder | Fremont, CA


Units in AP Physics 1

Unit 1 – Linear Kinematics

Unit 2 – Linear Forces

Unit 3 – Circular Motion

Unit 4 – Energy 

Unit 5 – Momentum 

Unit 6 – Torque 

Unit 7 – Oscillations 

Unit 8 – Fluids

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\Delta x = v_i t + \frac{1}{2} at^2F = ma
v = v_i + atF_g = \frac{G m_1m_2}{r^2}
a = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}f = \mu N
R = \frac{v_i^2 \sin(2\theta)}{g} 
Circular MotionEnergy
F_c = \frac{mv^2}{r}KE = \frac{1}{2} mv^2
a_c = \frac{v^2}{r}PE = mgh
 KE_i + PE_i = KE_f + PE_f
MomentumTorque and Rotations
p = m v\tau = r \cdot F \cdot \sin(\theta)
J = \Delta pI = \sum mr^2
p_i = p_fL = I \cdot \omega
Simple Harmonic Motion
F = -k x
T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}
T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}
gAcceleration due to gravity, typically 9.8 , \text{m/s}^2 on Earth’s surface
GUniversal Gravitational Constant, 6.674 \times 10^{-11} , \text{N} \cdot \text{m}^2/\text{kg}^2
\mu_k and \mu_sCoefficients of kinetic (\mu_k) and static (\mu_s) friction, dimensionless. Static friction (\mu_s) is usually greater than kinetic friction (\mu_k) as it resists the start of motion.
kSpring constant, in \text{N/m}
M_E = 5.972 \times 10^{24} , \text{kg} Mass of the Earth
M_M = 7.348 \times 10^{22} , \text{kg} Mass of the Moon
M_M = 1.989 \times 10^{30} , \text{kg} Mass of the Sun
VariableSI Unit
s (Displacement)\text{meters (m)}
v (Velocity)\text{meters per second (m/s)}
a (Acceleration)\text{meters per second squared (m/s}^2\text{)}
t (Time)\text{seconds (s)}
m (Mass)\text{kilograms (kg)}
VariableDerived SI Unit
F (Force)\text{newtons (N)}
E, PE, KE (Energy, Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy)\text{joules (J)}
P (Power)\text{watts (W)}
p (Momentum)\text{kilogram meters per second (kgm/s)}
\omega (Angular Velocity)\text{radians per second (rad/s)}
\tau (Torque)\text{newton meters (Nm)}
I (Moment of Inertia)\text{kilogram meter squared (kgm}^2\text{)}
f (Frequency)\text{hertz (Hz)}

General Metric Conversion Chart

Example of using unit analysis: Convert 5 kilometers to millimeters. 

  1. Start with the given measurement: \text{5 km}

  2. Use the conversion factors for kilometers to meters and meters to millimeters: \text{5 km} \times \frac{10^3 \, \text{m}}{1 \, \text{km}} \times \frac{10^3 \, \text{mm}}{1 \, \text{m}}

  3. Perform the multiplication: \text{5 km} \times \frac{10^3 \, \text{m}}{1 \, \text{km}} \times \frac{10^3 \, \text{mm}}{1 \, \text{m}} = 5 \times 10^3 \times 10^3 \, \text{mm}

  4. Simplify to get the final answer: \boxed{5 \times 10^6 \, \text{mm}}



Power of Ten




















(Base unit)


Deca- or Deka-


















  1. Some answers may be slightly off by 1% depending on rounding, etc.
  2. Answers will use different values of gravity. Some answers use 9.81 m/s2, and other 10 m/s2 for calculations.
  3. Variables are sometimes written differently from class to class. For example, sometime initial velocity v_i is written as u ; sometimes \Delta x is written as s .
  4. Bookmark questions that you can’t solve so you can come back to them later. 
  5. Always get help if you can’t figure out a problem. The sooner you can get it cleared up the better chances of you not getting it wrong on a test!

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