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Physics UBQ

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A linear spring of negligible mass requires a force of 18.0 N to cause its length to increase by 1.0 cm. A sphere of mass 75.0 g is then attached to one end of the spring. The distance between the center of the sphere M and the other end P of the un-stretched spring is 25.0 cm. Then the sphere begins rotating at constant speed in a horizontal circle around the center P. The distance P and M increases to 26.5 cm.


Traveling at a speed of 15.9 m/s, the driver of an automobile suddenly locks the wheels by slamming on the brakes. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road is 0.659. What is the speed of the automobile after 1.59 s have elapsed? Ignore the effects of air resistance.


A 75.0kg log floats downstream with a speed of 1.80 m/s. Eight frogs hop onto the log in a series of perfectly inelastic collisions. If each frog has a mass of 0.30 kg and an upstream speed of 1.3 m/s, what is the change in kinetic energy for this system?


A bowling ball moving with speed v collides head-on with a stationary tennis ball. The collision is elastic and there is no friction. The bowling ball barely slows down. What is the speed of the tennis ball after the collision?


The figure shows the velocity-versus-time graph for a basketball player traveling up and down the court in a straight-line path. Find the displacement of the player…


A neighbor’s child wants to go to a carnival to experience the wild rides. The neighbor is worried about safety because one of the rides looks particularly dangerous. She knows that you have taken physics and so asks you for advice.

The ride in question has a 4 kg chair which hangs freely from a 10 m long chain attached to a pivot on the top of a tall tower. When the child enters the ride, the chain is hanging straight down. The child is then attached to the chair with a seat belt and shoulder harness. When the ride starts up, the chain rotates about the tower. Soon the chain reaches its maximum speed and remains rotating at that speed, which corresponds to one rotation about the tower every 3 seconds.

When you ask the operator, he says the ride is perfectly safe. He demonstrates this by sitting in the stationary chair. The chain creaks but holds, and he weighs 90 kg.


Why do raindrops fall with constant speed during the later stages of their descent?


A 5-meter long ladder is leaning against a wall, with the bottom of the ladder 3 meters from the wall. The ladder is uniform and has a mass of 20 kg. A person of mass 80 kg is standing on the ladder at a distance of 4 meters from the bottom of the ladder. The ladder makes an angle of 60 degrees with the ground. What is the force exerted by the wall on the ladder?


What is weight of a person who has a mass of 75 kg?


A child of mass 3 kg rotates on a platform of 10 kg. They start walking towards the center while the platform is rotating. Which of the following could possibly decrease the total angular momentum of the child-platform system?


A person is making homemade ice cream. She exerts a force of magnitude 23 N on the free end of the crank handle on the ice-cream maker, and this end moves on a circular path of radius 0.25 m. The force is always applied parallel to the motion of the handle. If the handle is turned once every 1.7 s, what is the average power being expended?


A cart is initially moving at 0.5 m/s along a track. The cart comes to rest after traveling 1 m. The experiment is repeated on the same track, but now the cart is initially moving at 1 m/s. How far does the cart travel before coming to rest?

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