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Physics UBQ

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Determine the sum of the 3 vectors given below. Give the resultant (R) in terms of (a) vector components (b) resultant vector.


[katex] \vec{A} = 26.5 m  [/katex] @ at 56° NW

[katex] \vec{B} = 44 m  [/katex] @ at 28° NE

[katex] \vec{C} = 31 m [/katex] South


In both cases, a massless rod is supported by fulcrum, and a 200-kg hanging mass is suspended from the left  end of the rod by a cable. A downward force F keeps the rod in rest. The rod in Case A is 50 cm long, and the rod in case B is 40 cm long (each rod is marked at 10-cm intervals). The magnitude of each vertical force F exerted on the rod will be


While traveling in its elliptical orbit around the Sun, Mars gains speed during the part of the orbit where it is getting closer to the Sun. Which of the following can be used to explain this gain in speed?


A blue sphere and a red sphere with the same diameter are released from rest at the top of a ramp. The red sphere takes a longer time to reach the bottom of the ramp. The spheres are then rolled off a horizontal table at the same time with the same speed and fall freely to the floor. Which sphere reaches the floor first?


A toy car moves off the edge of a table that is \(1.25 \, \text{m}\) high. If the car lands \(0.40 \,\text{m}\) from the base of the table…


A red car, initially at rest, travels east with an acceleration of \( 3.5 \, \text{m/s}^2 \). At the same time as the red car starts to move, a blue car is traveling west at \( 15 \, \text{m/s} \) and accelerating at \( 1.2 \, \text{m/s}^2 \). If they are \( 600 \, \text{m} \) apart the moment the red car starts to move and they are traveling towards each other, where and when will they meet?


A 84.4 kg climber is scaling the vertical wall. His safety rope is made of a material that behaves like a spring  that has a spring constant of 1.34 x 103 N/m. He accidentally slips and falls 0.627 m before the rope runs out of slack. How much is the rope stretched when it breaks his fall and momentarily brings him to rest?


A conical pendulum is formed by attaching a ball of mass m to a string of length L, then allowing the ball to move in a horizontal circle of radius R.


A seesaw is balanced on a fulcrum, with a boy of mass [katex] M_1 [/katex] sitting on one end and a girl of mass [katex] M_2 [/katex] sitting on the other end. The seesaw is a uniform plank of length [katex]L[/katex] and mass [katex] M[/katex]. The fulcrum is located at the midpoint of the plank. Does [katex] M_1 = M_2 [/katex]. Justify your working.


A girl throws a stone from a bridge. Consider the following ways she might throw the stone. The speed of the stone as it leaves her hand is the same in each case.

Case A: Thrown straight up.

Case B: Thrown straight down.

Case C: Thrown out at an angle of 45° above horizontal.

Case D: Thrown straight out horizontally.

In which case will the speed of the stone be greatest when it hits the water below if there is no significant air resistance, assuming equal initial speeds?


A small sphere hangs from a string attached to the ceiling of a uniformly accelerating train car. It is observed that the string makes an angle of 37° with respect to the vertical. The magnitude of the acceleration a of the train car is most nearly:

Proportional Analysis

In the absence of air resistance, a projectile is launched from and returns to ground level and has a range of \( 23 \, \text{m} \). Suppose the launch speed is doubled, and the projectile is fired at the same angle above the ground. What is the new range?

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