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Physics UBQ

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A 3800 kg open railroad car coasts along with a constant speed of 8.60 m/s along a level track. Snow begins to fall vertically and fills the car at rate of 3.50 kg/min. Ignoring friction with the tracks, what is the speed of the car after 90 min?

Proportional Analysis

two block with same KE moving across an identical rough surface

Two blocks, [katex] m_2 > m_1 [/katex], having the same kinetic energy, move from a frictionless surface onto a surface having friction coefficient [katex] \mu_k [/katex]. Which block will travel further before stopping.


In which of the following is the particle’s acceleration constant?


A 70 kg woman and her 35 kg son are standing at rest on an ice rink, as shown above. They push against each other for a time of 0.60 s, causing them to glide apart. The speed of the woman immediately after they separate is 0.55 m/s.

Assume that during the push, friction is negligible compared with the forces the people exert on each other.

  1. Calculate the initial speed of the son after the push.
  2. Calculate the magnitude of the average force exerted on the son by the mother during the push.
  3. How do the magnitude and direction of the average force exerted on the mother by the son during the push compare with those of the average force exerted on the son by the mother? Justify your answer.
  4. After the initial push, the friction that the ice exerts cannot be considered negligible, and the mother comes to rest after moving a distance of 7.0 m across the ice. If their coefficients of friction are the same, how far does the son move after the push?

A rocket is sent to shoot down an invading spacecraft that is hovering at an altitude of \( 1500 \, \text{m} \). The rocket is launched with an initial velocity of \( 180 \, \text{m/s} \). Find the following:


A red car, initially at rest, travels east with an acceleration of \( 3.5 \, \text{m/s}^2 \). At the same time as the red car starts to move, a blue car is traveling west at \( 15 \, \text{m/s} \) and accelerating at \( 1.2 \, \text{m/s}^2 \). If they are \( 600 \, \text{m} \) apart the moment the red car starts to move and they are traveling towards each other, where and when will they meet?


Which of the following graphs shows runners moving at the same speed? Assume the y-axis is measured in meters and the x-axis is measured in seconds.


A \(30 \, \text{g}\) bullet is fired with a speed of \(500 \, \text{m/s}\) into a wall.


Suppose you are a passenger traveling in car along a road that bends to the left. Why will you feel like you are being thrown against the door. What causes this force?


A train consists of 50 cars, each of which has a mass of 6.1 x 103 kg. The train has an acceleration of 8.0 × 10-2 m/s2?. Ignore friction and determine the tension in the coupling at the following places:

Proportional Analysis

Two balls are dropped from the roof of a building. One ball has twice as massive as the other and air resistance is negligible. Just before hitting the ground, the more massive ball has ball  ____ the kinetic energy of the less massive ball.


A horizontal spring with spring constant 162 N/m is compressed 50 cm and used to launch a 3 kg box across a frictionless, horizontal surface. After the box travels some distance, the surface becomes rough. The coefficient of kinetic friction of the box on the rough surface is 0.2. Find the total distance the box travels before stopping.

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